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5 free businesses that are making a difference during the covid-19 confinement

Communities that want to help in a new and more personal way

Marketplaces and free sharing websites are above all meeting places which aim to improve communication and exchanges between people. This help can be provided free of charge and contribute to improving our daily life by putting us in touch with the right people or the right content, even at the local level.

Here are 7 free or solidarity helpful initiatives (in this period of confinement more than ever) that could be a source of inspiration for many entrepreneurs in the industry of sharing economy.

1. Openhomes by Airbnb

openhomes airbnb

What is Openhomes by Airbnb?

Openhomes is a solidarity initiative created by Airbnb that allows guests to offer their accommodation free of charge to people going through difficult times. Whether people who lost their homes in a forest fire, a cancer patient wishing to be closer to specialized care services, or a family fleeing conflicts in their country of origin. 

Why we love it

Obviously, beyond the solidarity and humanist aspect of this initiative, we like the logic of this approach. Indeed, who better than Airbnb can list so many accommodations around the world. As a leader in the private rental market, Openhomes by Airbnb comes as the logical continuation of Airbnb’s activity. In addition to being generous, this initiative is therefore very credible. A very smart way to give back to the community.

How this could inspire you?

Of course, this is not the ideal time to offer shelter to each other (the coronavirus outbreak is having a huge impact on many businesses, especially travel businesses and home rental). However, there are some lessons we can learn right now, from this sharing economy initiative. If you have a growing activity in a given market or you have a database that can help people around you, then take the opportunity to think about how you could use this data wisely to make good on your industry.

2. Khan Academy

Khan academy covid-19

What is Khan Academy?

Khan Academy is a non-profit association founded in 2008 based on the principle of “providing high-quality education to everyone, everywhere”.

Why we love it?

It is generous, bold and provides incredibly high-quality resources. This is definitely one of the best platforms for online tutoring. Plus the benefit is global as it empowers not only students but also teachers and parents. Probably one of the most must-known websites while confined at home with the kids. 

How this could inspire you?

Like Salman Khan, the founder of Khan Academy, use your own story to build a business that is meaningful to you and your community. What are your struggles right now? Maybe some people have the same. Sometimes small personal initiative can have huge impacts around us and break the rules. 

3. Coursera

Coursera marketplace covid-19

What is Coursera?

Coursera is a website offering online training provided by top-rated institutions and opened to all.

Why we love it?

Coursera provides free access to thousands of courses from leading universities and companies. Imagine attending courses provided by the Ivy League teachers from your living room?

How could this inspire you?

Maybe you work in a niche and have high-quality content or knowledge you could share? Why not gathering content and experts from your industries to give back to the community for free. Online consulting or online tutoring are ideal home-based businesses you can start today

4.Free Online Fitness Courses & Training

5 free fitness courses initiatives we love

Here are websites or fitness studios’ Youtube channels offering free courses or live-stream workouts during the Coronavirus outbreak.

Fitness Blender Free online fitness courses

How could this inspire you?

Sometimes the best resource we have to offer is time. Whatever the field in which you excel: sport, dance, art, web development, design, consider giving your time to others to share your passion. And if you have no special talent, you may know some gifted people around you. Help them share this talent with the world.

5. Nextdoor

Nextdoor marketplace covid 19

What is Nextdoor?

Nextdoor is an online local marketplace where neighbors create links and exchange information, goods and services with confidence. By far the best way to re-discover your neighborhood and the wonderful people who live in it. 

Why we love it?

We love the originality of this online marketplace that has been built as a local social network app. This service designed around local communities is ideal for making friends, being helpful to your isolated neighbors as elderly people for example.

How could this inspire you?

As the coronavirus keeps impacting almost every aspect of our life many of us are looking for ways to help their neighbors in need. What if you could be a part of it?  Maybe you could launch a local virtual food drive (isolated people could post a list of essential goods they need and neighbors can go grocery shopping for them…) or just get in touch on a daily basis with worried daughters and sons whose mom is your elderly neighbor. 


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